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Boat Trip

rapha (Hebrew):
1. To heal 
2. To restore

Welcome to Rapha, where there is healing and restoration.  Healing we understand, but restoration?  Find restoration to the Imago Dei, the Image of God ( found in Genesis 1: 27) that God wanted all along:  people of worth , value  meaning, and purpose. Let us journey together.   


As an officer of Marines, a Navy chaplain to Marines (Retired), and a VA chaplain (Retired), I have spent decades working with combat Veterans struggling with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), who often suffer in areas such as guilt, shame, forgiveness, and identity, all of which need a theological approach.  Through interviews of combat Veterans, a fresh look at existing research, and a study of the Bible, I found a truly holistic answer. to their pain. Having worked with women who aborted, and in ERs, ICUs, Hospice care, and Neonatal ICUS (NICUs), as well as law enforcement officers, I found that this approach helps all who suffer. 

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“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does”

William James

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